Recipes for MyNetDiary
Food styling

Food and prop styling for food delivery service Delivio.by

Party Boxes for REBOX
Recipe development and food styling

Food styling

Prop Styling

Fashion Photography
Set design and food styling for a fashion photoshoot.
Magazine cover for Fashion Collection Belarus.

Diet cover images for MyNetDiary
Food and prop styling of website and mobile cover images for various types of diets (Vegan, Keto, Mediterranean, etc.)

Recipes for REBOX
Recipe development and food styling

Personal projects
Recipe development and food styling

Santa Bremor Seafood
Prop styling

BBQ Menu for REBOX
Recipe development and food styling of BBQ themed set

Santa Bremor Pates
Food and prop styling

Repices for MyNetDiary
Food styling
Santa Bremor Krill Spread Key Visuals
Food styling

Blin Queen Amsterdam
Menu photoshoot for Blin Queen, Amsterdam.

Santa Bremor Spreads
Food styling

Teos Key Visuals
Food Styling

Diet Covers for MyNetDiary
Food styling